Your Biodanza questions answered

Do I need previous dance experience?

You are welcome with or without previous Biodanza or other dance experience. Perhaps the practice has been recommended, or your interest has been raised in some other way.

Joyful faces during a Biodanza class

You could also just come to try it out, maybe you feel unsure or neutral even. Feel free to call or message me if that helps.

Are there dance steps to learn?

There are no specific steps to remember, no need to look good - we aren't interested in learning routines and "getting them right". I'll help you develop the habit of checking-in with yourself and following what feels good for you.

Do I need to be very fit and energetic?

No! Firstly, the pauses we have between dances may also be helpful if you're uncertain about your energy levels.

A key part of Biodanza is building our sense of vitality, having a strong will to live and possessing energy available for action. Here we may use some exercises that have the potential to be really energetic, but always staying within your own individual capacity.

It isn't necessary or helpful to exceed this - of course to do so won't create more harmony in your body, or positive connection with it.

Are there any age limits? Is it adults only?

Adults of all ages with reasonable mobility can access Biodanza. As mentioned above, it isn't necessary to be very energetic.

It's great for kids, letting their creativity and natural openness shine. But current classes are for adults.

What kind of music is used?

Classes are filled with beautiful and varied music from all over the world that is carefully selected for each movement exercise.

There's a process by which tracks are fully accepted for use in Biodanza - do they exactly support the intensions of the dance they'll be used for?

What should I bring to class?

Wear light clothing suitable for being active, but also warm layers for the slower parts of the session. Please bring your own sealable water bottle.

Footwear is to be avoided in the studio, though if needed to support injuries then specialist dance shoes that won't risk injury to others is allowed.

Is there much research behind Biodanza?

There's a huge body of research, built up over decades, as mentioned in my Biodanza description. Some links to research are also given.

What are recent examples of themes used?

Every session has a deliberate intention for supporting a certain aspect of ourselves that may have been affected by your life experiences.

As we move through a session, the carefully chosen exercises will help you to gradually live more fully, with more joy and freedom. Some recent examples:

  • Deeply noticing, appreciating, and celebrating ourselves and each other - our natural selves, our essence. Giving and receiving, letting go of competition or trying to earn recognition.

  • Healthy relationship with power and letting go - Earth connection, enjoying our strength, protecting life, softening and slowing into natural innocent soothing physical connection.

  • Joy, heightening our connection to it, which awakens our desire to live fully, with intensity.

Geoff dancing in a recent Biodanza session

Is it like 5 Rhythms or other 'conscious' dance?

Biodanza is similar to these approaches, in the general way that they're all using movement as a way of building connection with the body, and to create better emotional and physical health.

Biodanza has important and significant differences.

  • Structure and pausing - there are gaps between exercises, allowing you to regulate and check-in with yourself, and to receive the description and perhaps demonstration of our next exercise.

  • Connection with others - there's much more time given to this in Biodanza, as we move between individual, pair, small group and whole group experiences.

How much contact will there be with others?

A dance in pairs during a Biodanza class Lots of exercises are with others, including playful interactive dance games, to create a lightness and togetherness in the group. We may also rest together near the end, with gentle soothing music.

Biodanza gives a place for the healthy, natural, even essential, aspects of life that are not supported in our busy and disconnected western society.

An example is safe and reassuring touch, such as to the hands in small groups. This kind of exercise might be suggested where familiarity and trust feel strong in the group. As always, it is optional.